
Customer Testimonials & Reviews

We love sharing the positive experiences that customers have received! You can learn more about Courtney Taylor or take a look at the energy healing services she offers to see if you are ready to experience it for yourself.

Philip testimonial

Philip W.

University Student

“I first heard of Courtney when she performed a speech at my University about spiritual healing. Ever since I have read everyone of her blog posts and emails! I even recently attended a guided session that changed my life.”

Olivia testimonial

Olivia S.

Social Worker

“I have learned more about numerology, angel numbers, and spiritual healing from Courtney’s email’s than anywhere else online. Courtney has been my trusted source for energy healing and I can’t recommend her services enough.”

emma client testimonial

Emma R.

Traveling Nurse

“I first learned about numerology and angel numbers a few years back. I was looking for a resource to help guide me in my spiritual healing and Courtney Taylor has been my favorite resource online! I highly recommend you start by reading a few of her blog articles and then when you are ready to take the next step sign up for one of here Reiki healing sessions. She is my only intuitive healer in the Raleigh, NC area.”

ethan energy healing customer testimonial

Ethan L.


“I am new to numerology and the spiritual healing industry but Courtney’s has helped me learn so much in a short period of time. I have never booked an energy healing session before meeting Courtney and now it is part of my weekly routine! If you are in Raleigh, North Carolina then you have to reach out to Courtney!”

courtney taylor energy healing service review

Heather F..

Restaurant Manager

“I first heard Courtney speak at a conference a few years ago and that was the first time I heard about angel numbers and energy healing. I was skeptical at first but have since heard Courtney talk at nearly 5 other conferences. I recently moved to Raleigh, North Carolina and booked my first Reiki healing session!”

kevin customer testimonial review

Kevin P.


“Courtney helped guide me through my first experience with Reiki and helped my feel comfortable the entire time. I have never felt so relaxed and rejuvenated before! I highly recommend Courtney and Gratitude Secrets.”

Photo of author

Courtney Taylor

Courtney has been involved with numerology, angel numbers, and spiritual healing for more than 40 years. She has a Bachelor's Degree and a Masters Degree in Social Work and has used this formal education to lead seminars, provide spiritual healing, and speak at countless conferences. Courtney is an expert in the field of angel numbers and has been featured in publications such as Fox News, WikiHow, Business Insider, Forbes, and more!